Data Transparency Government published the Local Government Transparency Code in February 2015
The intention of the Code is to increase transparency in the publication of public sector data and particularly around how public money is being spent, in order to allow local people to hold local authorities to account over how their council tax is spent and the decisions that are taken on their behalf.
Part 2 of the Code sets out the information that is recommended is published by town and parish councils with a gross annual income or expenditure over £200,000.
Trimdon Parish Council is committed to being open and transparent in its decision-making processes and in the spending of taxpayers’ money and will strive to meet the publication requirements set out in Part 2 as far as these are relevant to the council.
Senior employees’ salaries over £58,200 per year
No employee receives a salary at this level or above.
Councillor Allowances and Expenses
Trimdon Parish Councillors do not claim allowances or expenses.
Grants and Donations to the local community
This information is included in the Council’s Annual Statement of Accounts.
Asset Register
This information is included in the Council’s Statement of Accounts
Information of the democratic running of the council
Council minutes are published on this website.
Items of Expenditure over £500
The council published all of its expenditure over the value of £500 on this page.